Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Winter Term Award Themes

For the 2009 Winter Term, instructors will be eligible for the following Teaching Matters! Awards:

Teaching Matters! Award for Integrated Teaching

Our university is well known for its research, and many instructors work diligently to ensure that teaching is not left behind, often by finding a beneficial relationship between the two. Whether this instructor has effectively introduced the latest research, presented useful research methods, or illustrated relevant theory or practice through their own research, the winner of this award has demonstrated that research can be integrated into teaching in order to pursue greater student engagement.

Teaching Matters! Award for Teaching Beyond the Classroom

Teaching awards and evaluations generally examine an instructor's work in the classroom, often overlooking areas where efforts extend beyond those four walls. Whether this instructor has provided a system for online interaction, facilitated networking through extra study hours, or demonstrated especial helpfulness during office hours, the winner of this award has broadened their teaching to include work beyond the classroom.

Teaching Matters! Award for Adapting to Students

There is no question that instructors need to be well prepared for a course, but many make adjustments according to the specific needs of a particular class. Whether this instructor has asked for feedback on their teaching, provided opportunities for input on course direction, or altered a class plan to meet students' interests, the winner of this award has implemented the needs and interests of their students into their teaching.

To nominate an instructor, simply email me at with reasons for your nomination. Alternatively, fill out a nomination form available at any InfoLink desk, Faculty Association office, or in 2-900 SUB.

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